Shore Points Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the meeting held June 18, 2015 at the Brigantine Community Center The meeting commenced at 7:35 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Seven voting members and one associate member were present. The minutes of the previous meeting, held on May 21, 2015, were read by the club secretary, David Holmes. Gary Paul motioned to accept the minutes, Bob McFadden seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Club Treasurer, Bob Webb read the financial report for May. There was a complete accounting of all of the club's financial assets in the amount of $801.86. Bob motioned to accept the report, Art Masker seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Old Business: Final discussion on Field Day preparations included; setting up Rick's antenna , reduction of the amount of food needed to one half of the amount from last year, the possible addition of corn to the menu and Art said he has poles and rebar to possibly erection of an 80 or 160 meter antenna. Gary Paul reported that all is well with the repeaters and went on to report that he had secured the SPARC985@gmail email address by acquiring the password from Rob Grachola. He also stated that the equipment insurance is due by July 9, 2015 and that he would handle the renewal. He also offered his System Fusion repeater to the club which would allow us to have identical features and capabilities on both the 440 and two meter repeaters. Some discussion was held on the topic of moving the repeater site without any conclusively viable alternatives being proposed. At 8:24 PM, Bob motioned to close the meeting, Mike O'Brien seconded and the meeting was adjourned. Immediately following the meeting a 50/50 drawing was held. Marie drew the winning ticket which was held by Art and the club netted $14.00.